Sunday, October 31, 2010

October at a Glance

We've been enjoying this beautiful month of October. Beautiful leaves changing on our mountains and around town. We survived Halloween despite a biblical type rainstorm. We went out with umbrellas and ran as fast as we could between houses. The kids came home soaked to the skin, but with full pumpkin baskets, so it was a success. Such a shame Halloween had to be so rainy. Lightning and thunder, too!
This month just flew by so fast and here we are to November already.
I'm not sure why blogger makes my pictures all out of order and different. So sorry for the confusion.

In case you're not as obsessed with Star Wars as we are, these are two bounty hunters. Jengo Fett and Boba Fett. Don't ask me...Also, a little Garden Gnome.

Nathan with his Kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Miner. Such a lovely witch! She's super nice and we like her a lot.

Andrew with his teacher Miss Winkel. Apparently the female teachers at the school all like witches a lot.

The school had a parade for all the parents. Each grade marched around the gym. So cute.

Somebody was so MAD that I made him wear the beard.

Kindergarten Halloween program at school.

And to cap off our month, we had a huge windstorm that took out a section of our fence. Getting fixed in a day or two.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Kindergarten Invades Pumpkin Land

Today was a fun today. I volunteered to go with the Kindergarten on their field trip to Pumpkin Land. I was given a group of 3 other kids, plus my own Nathan, to be in charge of. We got our group organized and headed straight to the corn maze. It didn't look too huge from the outside of it, but it sure took us a long time to find our way out. It was super tricky inside and they made the exit really hard to find. Long before we finally got out, the kids were begging to cheat and cut through the stalks and just get out any way they could, but I made them stick with it. There was a small animal zoo with bunnies, goats, roosters, peacocks, and turkeys. Then over to the play ground for some energy release, then back to pick out a pumpkin to take home. Pretty fun field trip for a bunch of 5 year olds.

Nathan with his buddies from school. Do you see that he's like a full head taller than everyone else? He's gonna be huge!