No, this isn't a post about that somewhat inappropriate song from the 60s (which I happen to love) it's about the Wildings' night last night.
Around 4:30 the entire household woke up to the most piercing, screaming, horrible noise imaginable. The smoke detector in Andrew and Nathan's bedroom had gone off. I have never in my life heard a noise like that. I can't even begin to describe the boys' reaction to being woken up by such a noise. Complete pandamonium. Greg climbed up on a chair and yanked the thing down to get it to stop. He took out the battery and we tried to calm everyone down. Andrew has a horror of fires for some reason. We've never had a fire and never had a problem before. When he was in kindergarten the kids had a fire drill and he panicked so much his teacher had to call me in to calm him down. I have no idea where he got this paralyzing fear of fires. Anyway, we think it was just a weird battery thing. Maybe the battery needed to be changed and it yells at you when it's ready. We all got back to bed for a little while and then BAM the same thing happened with a different smoke detector out in the hall. Everyone up, crying, hysterics, etc. We're positive there was no smoke in the house. We don't know what would set them off, unless it was just time to change batteries. I couldn't fall asleep after that, so I've been up for quite awhile this morning. I hope I can take a nap this afternoon. We're flying to California tonight on a VERY late flight and this could be a really long night.
We've had ours go off - and its no fun. Not because of a fire, but because of electrical issues... if one senses there is an issue with the power source- tripped them all.
Hope you recover and Andrew's fear subsides with time. California sounds fun! Jealous!
I don't think it's such a bad thing to be afraid of fires. I do think it's a bad thing to be awakened by a faulty smoke detector, though. My guess would be the batteries. Ours start chirping when they get low.
Hey Karen!!! I found your blog!! It's so fun to keep up with what you are doing! What a crazy night!!! Of course, the odds always are that fire alarms go off at night - there really is no other logical time for them to go off.
Yikes, awful! What a rude awakening. Hey I found your blog through Amber's, hope you don't mind my blog-stalking you to get to know you better. :) I love blogging.
If you want to check out our blog, it's at
Camilla and Madeline have similar fears about fires--they are sure there will be a fire in our heat vent. Camilla has dreams about them some times. As a side note, she keeps telling me she is falling in love with Nathan!
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