My baby can walk! This little kid can finally walk at almost 16 months old. What a late bloomer...He was a super late crawler, too. But finally last Saturday at Andrew's soccer game he decided he wanted to walk. I was concentrating on Andrew's goalie skills and didn't look at David until he had walked out onto the field and was chirping "ball, ball." It was so sweet! Back when he turned one year old we took him to his one year doctor visit for shots, etc and his pediatrician asked if he was walking yet. I said no, and he told me to "make sure he is walking by 15 months." I thought that a strange request, because how in the heck was I supposed to force him to walk? This kid is NOT carried around on my hip all day. He is down on the floor and there was no reason I could see why it took him so long to walk. So at his 15 month visit for more shots the doc asked if he was walking yet. I again said no and he didn't say anything for awhile. But finally shrugged if off and labeled it a "personality shortcoming."(???) Anyway, he's super cute and looks like he's drunk cause he wobbles all over the place, but we can't get enough of it.
Wow, with the walking and the shorter haircut, he looks much older all of a sudden! He's just so darling, but you probably already knew that:)
HE is a cutie. I love the waddle walk. And man, its he just a little Greg. My boys have been fast movers but SLOW talkers!
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