Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Calling all forgetful moms...Help!

For two nights in a row now, the Tooth Fairy and I have forgotten to take care of the tooth waiting underneath Andrew's pillow. The first morning he pulled out the little baggie it was in and came and showed it to me. He said the tooth fairy must have forgotten to come to our house last night. Probably because she was so busy with all the other kids in town (his logic, not mine). He said "It's okay. She's just busy. She'll come tonight." So I promised to remember to go slip in and do it. But I didn't. I got so busy cleaning up the house and doing mountains of dishes that by the time it was done, I just wanted to go to bed myself. So this morning Andrew came in holding the little baggie again and actually said "Why doesn't she like me?" What's a mother to do in a situation like that? I promised him that I would give him his dollar that he's expecting so badly, but how can I redeem the poor, busy, forgetful tooth fairy? To be honest, I've never really loved the idea of things like the Tooth Fairy or the Easter Bunny. Probably because my parents never really made a huge deal about them while I was growing up. I must have been a cynical kid, though, because I always knew it wasn't real. I never had anyone tell me, I just thought this couldn't really happen. And yes, it's the same with Santa. I can never remember a time in my life when I REALLY believed in him. I never doubted that I wouldn't get presents on Christmas morning, so it never bothered me. I just was too much of a realist, even as a kid. There's a part of me that wants to just tell Andrew it's all a sham. But I guess I can keep his childhood innocence for a while longer. But in the mean time, what do I do about this tooth I can't seem to remember to turn into a dollar?


The Morris Family said...

Glad to hear I am not the only forgetful toothfair out there.
We ended up writing a letter form the toothfair saying sorry I didn't come here is an extra dollar.
Vanessa was soooo excited to get more money AND a letter all was good again.
Good luck!

Lindy said...

I can't believe you forgot to be the tooth fairy! That is an important responsibility! And two nights in a row? Maybe you better set your alarm tonight to remind you to do your duty. Actually, I almost (but not quite) forgot to be the tooth fairy recently as well. I didn't print off the picture on the stationary that I did the other times, so I heard Madeline telling Camilla maybe the tooth fairy just leaves her picture the first time. But truthfully, it was just late and I didn't want to go to the trouble.

Wendi said...

I have SO done this more times than I would like to admit. But, many of you who know me, know what a horrible mother I really am! We've done the whole, "Are you SURE there wasn't a dollar there?" While the other one runs in and puts a dollar under the pillow. Maybe he was in a rush and left the tooth also. Or, I'm sure he's had a busy busy week and he'll/she'll remmeber tonight. The guilt doesn't last long, Karen, I promise. there are definitely more important things in life than remembering the cash under the pillow! LOL Love ya

Joy said...

No, don't spoil it for him! Just write him a note from the tooth fairy apologizing, along with 10 bucks. He won't be sad anymore-- lol!!