Thursday, August 11, 2011

3 days and counting...

My C is scheduled for this coming Sunday at 7:30am. I am more than ready. But at the same time, apprehensive. I HATE hospitals. I HATE, HATE needles even more than hospitals. And I HATE IVs more than anything else on this earth. And that includes spiders. And I really HATE spiders. I've even got David my three year old trained to kill spiders in the house. He just grabs a wad of toilet paper and snatches the little beast up and throws it in the toilet. With our last baby I was so nervous about the IV that my veins collapsed because of my racing heart and blood pressure. The nurse could not get my IV started and she took a hit to her nursing skills ego because she said she's never once in 20 years been unable to start an IV on a patient. Too bad. She hadn't met me. So I've been mentally preparing myself for the drama that I turn into when faced with an IV. I know I should just grow up and get over this mental block, but it's what I dread even more than under going a major surgery like a C Section.

Anyway, we've got family coming to town, lots of pink stuff around the house, and the bassinet and crib all set up and ready to go. We're ready and just hours away!


Tara said...

So exciting!! (that you're 3 days away)

I can understand your fear of spiders but IVs I guess I have a different perspective.... both pregnancies IVs have literally saved me from wasting away. Thus, I enjoy them although yes it is uncomfortable to get poked. So I hope you have a much better experience this time. Tell yourself, I'm a tough cookie and yes I can do this!!! Then reward yourself with something BIG if it goes well :)

We'll be thinking of you and hoping your C section goes well.... and of course we're just planning on a cute, healthy baby girl :)

Amber said...

Awesome, cant wait to see picts!!! I agree, IV's are horrid! Really in this day and age there isnt a better device, or less painful??

Tami said...

Congrats! I saw a picture of her on facebook, she is BEAUTIFUL! Glad you got your little girl.