Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Hooray for Andrew!

How much do you wish you had this guy for your primary teacher growing up? He and his sweet wife are Andrew's primary teachers and they are amazing! Andrew earned a ride in this bad boy by being the top earner on the sticker chart that they have. Stickers are earned by things like reverence during sharing time, bringing scriptures to church, reverence during class time and being a great student in class. I'm so glad to get positive reinforcements like this at church because school is often another story. It could have something to do with Andrew's primary class being mostly girls. It's just him and one other boy in a very large class so he doesn't have many chances to be silly and goof off. (Not the case at school). But I was proud of him for earning a ride with his teacher. By the way, this guy built this thing from the ground up by himself. It took him about 10 years he said.

1 comment:

Parkside View said...

Aren't we lucky they nabbed the Barsons for primary as soon as they returned from their mission? They are fabulous! That is cool that Andrew earned a ride in the car.