Sunday, August 16, 2009

oh the joys of being a home owner

Well. What an exciting week we've had. Last Sunday Greg hopped in the shower to get ready for work and I was one floor below him in the living room. As he was in the shower I kept hearing odd water noises that didn't belong to the shower. Like water inside the walls. I had my sister and her family visiting, plus her in-laws, plus my parents. We had a very full house. I happened to look up at the ceiling directly underneath the shower in the room below and noticed a small bubble in the plaster of the ceiling. I poked it and water started gushing out. Over the next half hour, the entire ceiling fell through due to water build up from the shower above. Apparently we had a massive shower leak and it was pooling in the ceiling of the floor below. So I called a plumber (on a Sunday!!) and he came right out and fixed the leak. But there was nothing he could do about all the water damage. So I called a neighbor and he came over and just started to laugh because the exact same thing happened at their house. He recommended an awesome contractor and they came right out, too. They hacked away the side wall and the rest of the ceiling. Then set up fans to dry the walls and tile above. We left that same Sunday and went to Idaho for a week long family reunion. We just got back today and the fans are still going. We had given them a house key to let themselves in to do some work. So the fans have been running on our electricity for a whole week and who knows when the work will start to put the house back together. Sometimes it's just easier being a renter, as I've come to find out. But I guess I wouldn't trade having my own gorgeous home. Despite it's faults. We are pretty sure our homeowner's insurance will pay for this. We hope.
Pictures are in reverse order and I'm too tired to go and change it. So start at the bottom and scroll up to get the full effect.


CoachingByPeter said...

In order to get discounts on home insurance there are certain factors that anyone should consider before discussing with the agent. Such as the construction materials used in your home, heating and cooling units, security alarms, possessions that you own etc. Be open with the insurer with these things and you'll be astonished on how much you can save.

Amber said...

Oh man that stinks! Im sure homeowners insurance will cover it. How was the family reunion?

Tara said...

Karen, so sorry to hear. More drama! Hope it all gets resolved without too much out of your pocket.