I don't believe in the swine flu. Not that it doesn't exist, more that I don't buy into the frenzied media coverage of it all. From what I've researched, read, heard, talked to a doctor about, Swine Flu is no more dangerous than regular flu. In fact, more people die of regular flu than they do Swine Flu. That being said, David has some sort of Flu. Whether Swine or not, who knows. It has been going through our ward and neighborhood and most of the other mothers have taken their kids to the doctor and had it diagnosed as Swine Flu. He has been having explosive diarhhea (sorry for the icky description, but it's true) and vomiting everything I give him. Also, a very high fever. I sent the older 2 boys to church with our neighbors and stayed home with him yesterday. (Greg was at work). He's gone through every pair of pajamas he owns, several sheets and blankets, and all of my nerves. Nothing wears you out more than a very sick baby who cries and cries and WILL NOT be comforted. Today has been much better. He's kept his Tylenol and Motrin down and is consenting to Pedialyte. Which he wouldn't do yesterday. After several rough nights and hard days, I have fallen into bed exhausted. Last night I dreamed that I was being hunted by a Rhinoceras. I am famous for having the most bizarre, weird dreams. Especially when I'm pregnant, for some reason. (No, I'm not announcing anything) Anyway, I was being hunted and chased by a Rhino and his horn on his nose was twice the normal length and size. I woke up sweating and breathing really hard. I think I need a vacation.
1 comment:
So sorry to hear that you've had a rough time. I hope little David gets feeling better. Yes, you probably do need a vacation... or a break/rest from crazy life. Yikes about the rhino!
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